Learn, Unlearn and Relearn: An Endless Cycle

Giusna Dipankara Kusnandar
4 min readJul 26, 2021

A little story of a lifelong learner in #GenerasiGIGIH by Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa (Gojek Indonesia)

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

How crucial is water for our life?

Water is inseparable from our life on Earth. Almost everything we do requires water. Not only that, water even becomes something that dominates our bodies. Shortly, water keeps us alive. I think that tells us how important water is to us. That is right, irreplaceable.

I feel the same way about knowledge. Knowledge has helped and is decisive for human civilization to reach modern life today and prepare for unexpected life in the future. I remember very well that 15 years ago, I was fascinated by radio technology for sharing information audio so that the scope of distribution became ampler and faster. And now, we can even replace (although not absolutely) the interaction process to be virtual in real-time with various existing technologies in 2021. Knowledge is meritorious in this regard.

This condition made me realize that there is a resemblance between water and knowledge. Essential for the development and journey of human life.

Water cycle illustration by generationgenius.com

Water undergoes a continuous phase in nature, even in our bodies. The cycle is called the Water Cycle or Hydrologic Cycle. Water needs to go through this cycle to be able to maintain the balance of the environment in nature and our bodies. That statement sparked a new curiosity in my mind. What would happen if the water we use to live did not cycle in nature? What if the water is only standing still, stagnant, and not moving? I visualize the water will only become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. We do not want that.

Then how about knowledge?

Knowledge is not constant. It continues to grow. It grows with new things and ideas in finding answers to questions given by the universe. And this is the reason for the need for a limitless cyclical process. The cycle is Learn, Unlearn and Relearn.

Learn, Unlearn and Relearn (or LUR for short) is the process of obtaining new information or knowledge by validating that knowledge by matching relevant things in the present and future, then exposing themselves to other new wisdom. This process, ideally, is a never-ending process to always open up to new things and prepare for the future to come.

Like the water cycle, this process or cycle is what I felt while studying as part of #GenerasiGIGIH by Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa and Gojek Indonesia. The journey to learn various kinds of new knowledge about skills in the world of work and prepare for the future. I believe this process is a process that will always go through the LUR cycle. This process was successful in helping me understand new things and eliminating various information that is irrelevant to the importance of data in the world of work and even the future. This cycle also made me realize that a growth mindset is indispensable for all of us in the future. There will be more and more new things that are ready to approach us in the future. For that, the growth mindset becomes our weapon in dealing with these waves.

Back to the Water Cycle. All processes of the water cycle that occur in nature and our bodies require energy. The energy obtained from the sun’s heat provides an opportunity for water to move from place to place and through various processes to be utilized by living things. Likewise, the water cycle in our body requires energy from the body’s metabolism to keep us hydrated. And you guessed it, the LUR cycle also requires energy from our fighting spirit and persistence in going through each of these processes.

I have never wasted any opportunities to learn and take advantage of LUR in every learning process at #GenerasiGIGIH. I realize that many obstacles and obstacles have to pass to maintain the spirit of learning. Time management is my essential key to permit 100% of the “energy” that I have. With that, I can go through the LUR process in every learning at #GenerasiGIGIH.

And I am affluent, that I am in a #GenerasiGIGIH environment with ardent people about learning something new. I wonder, by implementing the Learn, Unlearn and Relearn cycle together with your high fighting spirit, how far can we go together and achieve our dreams in the future?

